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Sail Material

Overall, we work with 3 main sail cloth materials. That is woven sail cloth, laminates, and membranes. Woven sail cloth is very often a cross-cut layout, laminates a radial layout, and our membranes cover our EPEX high-end sails that are produced in one workflow from design, to stringing, to vacuuming and lamination to final handwork.

Sail battens Elvstrøm Sails

3 Types of sail materials - Dacron - Laminate - EPEX Membrane

Woven materials - Dacron:

Woven polyester is very often referred to as Dacron, originally a trade name by DuPont. Overall, Dacron is very durable with a good UV resistance and a strong fabric resistant to flex fatigue that a sail quite naturally is exposed to. And then it is an economic choice.
Typically, Dacron sails are designed in a crosscut layout, whereas Nylon sails are typically designed in a radial layout.

Laminate sails:

Polyester laminate is a stable 5-layer construction that combines a thin woven polyester with low stretch-oriented fibers between layers of polyester film. The stability gives the boat a good performance. Polyester laminates are very UV resistant and durable with a competitive performance/price ratio.

Laminates are typically designed in a radial layout.

Our EKKO Option, also known as eXRP Cruise, is also a laminate.

Membrane - EPEX:

The unique and patented EPEX membrane technology is the flagship of Elvstrøm Sails. A 100 % custom design where every single fiber is placed according to a load path design. This enables the absolute optimal distribution of fibers over the entire sail resulting in an outstanding shape stability and performance. The components are bonded under an extreme and constant vacuum that evacuates all air, holds the membrane in place, and compresses the membrane components.

EPEX is thus not striclty one kind of material - it's a concept which can be based on a number of different fibres in the kevlar and aramid families such as Technora, Vectran and carbon fibres.

Performance, durability - and price

Very often the choice of sail cloth is about performance, durability, and price. When talking performance, the essence is the shape stability of the sail, whereas the durability refers to the longevity of the sail.

ELV EPEX Lifetime Graphs 2025 NOXYLO

Sail Materials and Fibers

Click the boxes below to read more.

Wovenpoly White Black 2024 April (1)


Dacron, White or Black

Woven polyester is a very durable fabric with a good UV resistance, flex and is overall an economical choice. We have a full range of Dacron styles and qualities. The woven polyester comes in different qualities with high tenacity fibers that resist long term loads. Ranging from an all-round Dacron cloth to high-quality cloth with improved stretch resistance.

Polyesterlaminatewhite Grey 2024 April (1)


A 5-layer construction, White or Grey

Polyester laminate is a stable 5-layer construction that combines a thin woven polyester with low stretch-oriented fibers between layers of polyester film. The stability gives the boat a good performance. Polyester laminates are very UV resistant and durable with a competitive performance/price ratio.

Exrpcruise 2024 April


An EKKO option with recycled materials

eXRP cruise is a high-end laminate, where the UV-protective film, the taffeta, and the polyester fibers are made from recycled polyester. The combination of black polyester fibers and white taffeta makes up for a greyish look. The eXRP cruise comes in different qualities, all stabilized with UPE virgin fibers. The material is soft and easy to handle, and furls easily when used in furling sails.

Hydranetradial 2024 April


Hydranet radial or Fibercon Hybrid Pro

Hydranet radial is a tightly woven dyneema/polyester base with a ripstop of Ultra-PE. The composition leads to a high tear strength and thus a strong and durable cloth.

Fibercon Hybrid Pro is a woven radial construction with high strength dyneema yarns with a strong resistance to impact damage and wear and tear.

Exrp Film Film 2024 April


An EKKO option with recycled materials

A film/film laminate is a high strength-to-weight ratio laminate made with high-tech black polyester. It is great for fast upwind sails and code zeros. The film and the polyester fibers are made from recycled material.

Singleinsidetaffeta 2024 Qpril


An EPEX material

Single Inside Taffeta is a membrane with two side film and an inside taffeta. Great for fast upwind sails with good performance.

Singeloutsidetaffeta 2024 April


An EPEX material

Single outside taffeta is a combination of taffeta on one side and film on the other. More flexible and lighter than the double outside combination. Taffeta is available in various weights and colours and can be combined with numerous fibres.

Doubletaffeta 2024 April


An EPEX material

Double outside taffeta is a combination with taffeta on both sides, that improves durability. Taffeta is available in various weights and colours and can be combined with numerous fibres.

Epexfilmfilm 2024 April


An EPEX material

The film/film is a lightweight high-performing racing membrane. The material is available in various weights and can be combined with various fibres.

Polyribstop 2024 April


Poly Ripstop

A durable polyester reinforced Ripstop.

Codebz 2024 April


Lightweight taffeta

The code BZ laminate is a black lightweight taffeta with strong aramid fibres. It has taffeta on one side and film on the other side.

Wovenpoly White 2024 April




Tightly woven material

Nylon is tightly woven material. It is a very light sailcloth with a good breaking load ideal for downwind sails. Nylon comes in different colours and qualities, depending on the sailing preference.



The Technora black fibre is a high-performance fibre with high tenacity and low elongation, improving the shape of the sail.

Technora Vectran


The Vectran/Technora fiber combination is a very popular fiber combination for the cruising sailor both high performing and durable.



The Vectran fibre is a strong yellowish / golden fibre with a good stretch resistance and durability.

Carbon Technora Black


The Carbon/Technora fibre combination is an optimal solution in terms of shape and performance. Both fibres are black.

Aramid Gold


Aramid fibres are characterised by combining its lightweight properties with being high strength, having high stretch resistance and a high breaking strength. The material is stronger than steel, and this makes Aramid a great choice for a wide array of EPEX sails for Elvstrøm Sails – with the combination of strength and the low weight a good choice for cruising and racing applications alike.

The aramid is often known by its golden colour, which comes through the manufacturing process.

Xrpcruise Laminate Ekko Dehler38 Elvstromsails

eXRP Cruise Laminate (EKKO) | Conv. Main and Furling Jib

Dehler 38SQ

Codezero Film Film X4 0 EYOTY19RT 0656 Marin

EPEX Film/Film Carbon | Code Zero

X-Yachts X4.0

Codetech Laminate Code Permanent Hoist First40 7

Codetech Polyester Ripstop | Code Permanent Hoist

First 40.7

Webdufour 360 Xcut Alisio Kopi

Dacron Woven Polyester (White) | Conv. Main and Furling Jib

Dufour 360

Hr57sailing Solano

Code Zero Laminate | Cable Code Zero

Hallberg-Rassy 57

Hallberg Rassy 50 Yacht

EPEX Double Outside Taffeta Black | FatFurl Main and Furling Jib

Hallberg-Rassy 50

Web2picfair 015130859 Elvstrom Sailing The Aventura 37 Sail Catamaran Kopier

Polyester Laminate Cool Grey | Fathead Main and furling jib

Aventura 37

JO2 4959 28 08 2022 OD ORC Bregenz LR Julius Osner

EPEX Film/Film Technora | Conv. Mainsail and Jib

Grand Surprise

Luxury Sailing Yachts Dufour 470 Boat Photo Sail 5

eXRP Cruise Laminate (EKKO) | Conv. Main and Furling Jib

Dufour 470

Elvstrøm Sails Xylo X-Yachts

XYLO | In-boom furling mainsail and furling jib

X-Yachts X4.3

XC47 SAILING 21 Copyweb

EPEX Double Outside Taffeta Black | Main and Furling Jib

X-Yachts XC47 (Photos by Photonautic)

Dragonfly40 1980Px 300DPI Credit Klausandrews

EPEX nanno Grey | Fathead Main and Furling genoa

Dragonfly 40 (Photos by Klaus Andrews)


eXRP Cruise Laminate (EKKO) | Conv. Main and Furling Jib

Bavaria C46

Dragonfly40 Dag1 729 1 Editweb


Dragonfly 40

Hanse 410 Bilder Web Exterior 2 0042

eXRP Cruise Laminate (EKKO) | Trioptimal Conv. Main and Furling Jib

Hanse 410

Faurby460 IMG 9575 ┬®Ben Scheurer Nutzungsrechte Siehe Metadaten Copyweb

Double outside taffeta, Cool grey, Technora

Faurby 460