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In the shape of Elvstrøm SailWear, Elvstrøm Sails is back with a clothing collection. And now, you can use it to support your local club when you buy SailWear.

Elvstrøm SailWear now introduces a new club concept, which makes sure your next purchase doesn’t just add style to your personal wardrobe – it can also support your local sailing club.

Elvstrøm Sails CEO Morten Gantriis Sørensen says:

- Elvstrøm Sails and the vast majority of all our customers have strong bonds to sailing clubs all over the world. It is a defining part of the reality we have worked and lived in for 70 years now, and it was a natural step to include an opportunity for customers to support their local club through SailWear.
The idea of the SailWear Club Concept is that 20 per cent of the value of your purchase before VAT is transferred to your local club – as soon as you have entered the Club Code at checkout. When the code has been entered and your purchase is complete, your 20% of the purchase will be transferred to your club.

Check out the styles at

To inquire about a membership for your local club, please contact Andreas Olesen at