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Though Aasmund Droslum from Norway, the owner and helmsman of Team Magic, a King 40, seems to be quite a modest and down-to-earth person, this is no less the song that get´s Team Magic going on every race.

Life is full of coincidences

Aasmund started sailing Optimist and Laser as a child, moved from home at an early age of 16 – and did not start sailing again until 25 years later.

By coincidence Aasmund met the owner of a 37 feet sailboat and was invited on board. A few tours were enough to catch the “disease”again. And a few years after Aasmund bought his own X332 with a base at the local harbour in Son in the OsloFjord - 125 km from his home in the Inland. Despite the long distance, cruising was soon replaced by regatta sailing. Late in year of 2008 Aasmund bought a King 40, encouraged by a friend; if you buy the boat I find the crew! “And that is what happened”, says Aasmund.

Team and team-effort

In fact to Aasmund racing is very much about team and team effort. “We are a crew of 10 people, that have known each other for at least six years. Every person has a role like on a football team, and it just works. I am certainly a competitive person, but I also like the spirit of sportsmanship. When it comes down to it, it´s really about having a good time together.”

The relation to Elvstrøm Sails goes way back, but also started somewhat as a coincidence. “When I needed new sails back in 2005 for my X332 I wrote to several sail makers, but the only one that actually called me back was Elvstrøm Sails, at that time Espen Kamperhaug. All the other suppliers just sent me e-mails. To me that was the trigger. I like the personal service and relationship that still exists with Elvstrøm Sails. Elvstrøm Sails is where I feel I belong”. As a matter of fact, Aasmund has just bought a new jib and a new spinnaker – preparing for the ORC Worlds in Copenhagen in 2016.

"The King-40 project was meant to be a 3-Year project. Most of those participating in the beginning still want to be part of the team, and thus the project seems to be a never ending story. The absolute highlight of next year is the ORC Worlds in Danish Waters and we really look forward to that race and event. We intend to put more into training than we usually do and our goal is to be among top ten in our class”, says Aasmund, a poor man from the inland of Norway, as he says :-) acknowledging that there are a lot of very good participants in the race that put much more money into it.

Logistics and planning

“Besides having a boat racing takes quite a lot of planning. There is a lot of logistics that needs to work together. That is actually one of the bigger challenges – making all ends meet,” says Aasmund. The planning for the ORC Worlds 2016 is well underway with the first training session in December and more to come in February and March. “I am pleased to learn that Elvstrøm Sails will deliver onsite service and support during the ORC Worlds in Copenhagen”.

Being the 3rd generation owner of a nursing home in Jevnaker, situated 70 km north of Oslo in Norway, Aasmund has 1 ½ hour to the club and his boat, but that does not keep him from going there once or twice a week or at least as often as possible.

“Sailing clears the brain and gives me new resources and energy”, Aasmund winds up.