Check out this video of our new cable-free Code Zero. Designed in a code zero laminate with a high density fiber luff, in EPEX.
The Cable-free Code Zero is easy to handle and store. With the improved positive luff, you gain wider sailing angles compared to a traditional Code Zero - and more power.
Elvstrøm Sails designer, Lars Thiellesen explains;
“This is absolutely a great sail, that is not penalized within the ORC and IRC measurement rules. For ORC and IRC, the half width shall be 75 % or more of the foot length. Our cable-free code zero is designed with a 75 % spinnaker half width (SHW) and within the Danish DH a 65 % SHW. It is possible to sail up to 65 degrees True Wind Angle (TWA), and the sail goes significantly deeper than a conventional code zero with cable, due to the positive luff. This is truly a sail that makes a difference on the race course, especially in the lower wind forces. Due to the EPEX luff it is easy to roll and easy to use, even when sailing single-handed. I have personally just used it in the Singlehanded Silverrudder.”