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Babsi Holler and Eric Merten, a couple from Germany, has started out an interesting journey. Not just to live out their own dream, but also to inspire and motivate others to do the same.

On a sunny day in May 2018, Babsi and Eric visits the Elvstrøm Sails loft in Denmark to have a look at the construction of the sails that are going to empower a new chapter of their lives on board Makani, a Amel Super Maramu, 53 feet.

“We spoke to 3-4 sailmakers at Hanseboot, but when we came to Elvstrøm Sails and spoke with Jochen Reimer, we immediately felt in “safe haven”. When we told that we had an Amel Super Maramu, Jochen simply said no problem. And he spent time with us, to guide us and inspire us – with competence and sympathy.”

Gluexpiraten 1 Elvstromsails

2020 is the big milestone

“Three years ago, we started reading sailing books, bought our first boat – a Shark 24 – and started sailing on the Rhine. But quickly we realized that we need to sail in the “real” ocean and as we learned more and more our dream started getting clearer and clearer. And one day, Eric simply said; “In 2020 we go.” Go sailing for 3-5 years, that is. The couple now plans, prepares, practices and learns every day.

During the Summer of 2018, Babsi and Eric are going to sail from Malaga to Gibraltar, to Madeira, to the Azores and then back. To train and gain miles, that they need to get the RYA Yacht master. In 2019 the Med is calling and then in 2020 the big journey will start.

“Our vision is to coach others to take the step out of the comfort zone and into the dream. The plan is to invite people on-board for short, but intense coaching. We have a background as lifestyle coaches and has worked with psychological counselling. And our hope is that when people go on board they say; I want to do ….., and when the disembark, the say; I will do….!”

If you want to follow the couple, check out their blog and stay tuned here as well.